Where Claus Von Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise)
was killed in Operation Valkyrie
Blendlerblock, Berlin, Germany
Our second stop of the day was at the Pergamon Museum which is part of Museum Island in central Berlin. This museum houses some amazing artifacts from Ancient Rome, Greece and Islamic Art. One of the most popular attractions is the Ishtar Gate from Babylon which is dated from 6th Century BC. It is quite impressive in size and color, being a great dark blue in color. There was also a Market Gate from Miletus which is dated 120 AD, this gate is around 52 feet tall!! It was unbelievable.

Ishtar Gate
Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany

Market Gate of Miletus
Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany

Pergamon Altar (197-156 BC)
Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany

My Dad, in his younger years
Pergamon Museum
Berlin, Germany
We met up with Chrissy in the evening and checked out some of the other sites in Berlin. We saw some larger sections of the Berlin wall. We actually saw the first hole that was put through the wall in 1989. It was really cool. Then we walked over to the Jewish Memorial, just a few blocks away. This is a huge uneven piece of land that is filled with cement blocks that are all different heights. It’s really impressive. We did dinner at a little Italian restaurant that is a favorite of Chrissy and her friends, named Fliegender Tisch which translates into “the flying table”. The food was delicious.
Tomorrow we are renting a car and heading out into the German country side to see what we can find.
It was another great day in Germany!