We slept in this morning, after getting in late the night before. Our goal for the day was to find a closer ski resort than Zermatt, so that Mark could go skiing in the Alps. We realized that our GPS has Ski resorts listed in its attraction category, so we found one that looked to be in a good location about an hour away.
Once again, we crossed into Switzerland and threaded our way up a steep switchback hill to the “resort.” On our way up the hill we ran into a slight road block – about 6-8 goats parked in the middle of the road in no hurry what so ever to move things along. When we got there, there was a single gondola lift, no snow, and not much action. Needless to say, it was another disappointing trip into Switzerland. We headed back down the hill in search of lunch and a grocery store to pick up some staples for the rest of our trip. Lunch was at a small restaurant in Lugano, Switzerland.

Some of the Goats near
Lugano, Switzerland

A typical Northern Italian/Swiss Road
Lugano, Switzerland

Ribbit all night?
Lugano, Switzerland
After lunch we found a local grocery store and decided to stop there but before we went in we wanted to see if we could find wireless internet access. Sure enough we found an access point and surfed for awhile. After about 2 hours of catching up on internet surfing, checking email and blogging we realized that we needed to move along with our day. We headed back to Bellagio so that we could get the apartment packed up and ready since we will have an early start Wednesday morning.