Sometimes Switzerland Sucks

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So you know all that rain we talked about yesterday? (If not see previous entry – then continue reading) Well it would stand to reason that the higher in elevation you get, the colder it gets and such rain will turn to snow!! Today we were planning on heading up into Austria and Bavaria, Germany. On our way towards that goal we ran into – you’ve got it – SWITZERLAND! To get to our destination we would have to cross a mountain pass in the Alps, which happened to be snowed in. There was a good several inches on the road, needless to say our little car, Clio, doesn’t play well in the snow. Since we didn’t have chains (which are quite normal in these parts) we decided to turn around, before we got in deeper then we could handle. We took the next logical detour and 6 hours later we were still nowhere near our desired destination. Throughout our tour of Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland we saw a lot of vineyards that have been terraced in to the side of the mountains. We were getting kind of bored with our travels and constant driving – while seeming as though we were getting nowhere, so we invented a game “Find the Schloss” (castle). Northern Italy is literally littered with “Schlosses” so it’s a pretty fun game. The rules haven’t been fully figured out yet – but we’re working on it. Secondary roads in Italy are not very fast or very straight or the way to go if you want to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time. We decided to take the highway back, which really didn’t run where we wanted to go but even with considerable detouring took less than half the time to get back to Bellagio.

Buildings Overlooking
Lake Como, Italy

Look at all the snow!
Somewhere in Switzerland

A little Village
Somewhere in Switzerland

Cool Rock Outcropping
Somewhere in Switzerland

One of MANY Tunnels