Colombia 2018, Day 1 - Spring Break 2018

Don’t fall off your chairs, we don’t want you to think that we barricaded ourselves in the house for all of 2017, we did not.  We just sort of took a break from blogging. Overall, 2017 was another amazing year of travel and adventures; please reference the 2017 Christmas card for exact details.  Jump to random fall weekend in 2017 . . . We were bored, so do you do when you are bored?  Yes!  You call up niece Abbey in Clarion, PA and see if she wants to grab dinner.  After a delicious meal with great conversation the topic of Spring Break came up. Jen popped the question and Abbey said yes.  There may or may not have been a rose involved, but, the rest is history!

With the world being our oyster our destination of choice was Colombia (not Columbia Township, Ohio and no not Columbia, South Carolina – The latter was so last year – Love you Lisa & Jesse!)  Colombia, South America!

In standard Jenny'n'Mark fashion we couldn’t start this trip with a simple ride to the airport.  The weekend before, our Colombian adventure started in New Buffalo, Michigan, for our annual winter weekend away with Beth & Andy.  Mark hitched a ride to Chicago with the Appleton contingent, where he kept tabs on 3 conferences on 2 different continents while Jen was back home.  The following Friday, Abbey drove to Casa Jenny’n’Mark from Clarion where the ladies tackled final packing needs, then headed to the airport where Mark was in the departures section of Hopkins waiting.

When the ladies arrived Mark put his Chicago bags in the back of the car and promptly parked the car while the ladies checked bags and got through security.  Everyone met up on a hunt for an afternoon snack followed by a stop in the United Lounge.  And we were off!  Two layovers later (we’ll spare you the doldrums) and we arrived in fabulous Cartagena, Colombia! 

Much to our surprise we found Mark’s name on a sign at the airport! Then we were kidnapped by a cartel and held for ransom… Just kidding! After ironing out our transportation situation we were home free with our rental car. First stop was a grocery store to get a much needed snack and some goodies for the week.  We would be calling Playa Manglares (aka Olga’s House) on Isla Baru, home for the first few days.

Olga and her staff made us feel welcome from the start! Shortly after our arrival we were given fresh mojitos.  We arrived with some time before dinner, so we explored the grounds and chose 3 hammocks on the beach to relax and enjoy our fresh mojitos.  Dinner was served in an outdoor dining room overlooking the mangroves and water with soft lighting for added ambiance.  We feasted on steamed vegetables with pasta and a fabulous fresh garlic hummus.  Dessert offerings included a variety of ice cream flavors.  The warmth, hospitality and good food provided a wonderful first impression of Colombia!

Mark, Jenny & Abbey

Beach at Playa Manglares